Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Working hard, but also hardly working
Home sick today (and yesterday), but feeling really, really productive this evening for some odd reason. Must be the 30+ hours of sleep in the last two days.
Among other tasks, I went through every single piece of unfiled paper in my whole house. Brought on by a mad rush search for some missing T3 tax forms (that's a whole other blog topic), I sorted, filed and shredded two recycling bags full of paper. That says much more about my lack of organization in the past year (or more) than it does about how much paper comes into my house.
The shredding must have gotten my blood pumping. I'm an organizing dynamo at the moment. I love that feeling. I have made many, MANY promises to myself about keeping the momentum going and keeping better track of papers (especially if they have a "T" something on the top and come from a financial institution).
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Not Hating This
When Izzy comes to visit, I like to report back to Cindy (Izzy's 'person') about all of the adventures. When I describe them both curled up on my lap, she inevitably says "I bet you weren't hating that".
I'm definately not hating this.
ps - Don't make fun. It is hard to get a good picture of yourself and two 5.75 month old puppies. Not alot of holding still.

I am, at once, thrilled and terrified. I keep having images from when Carter and Kovac (ER) were on medical missions. Perhaps I should re-watch "Out of Africa" to have a sweeter image in my head.
Penny has dreamed of (and planned for, and fundraised for) this day for years. We all feel compelled to do certain things. Africa is her compulsion. That continent won't know what hit it.
She has arranged to keep in touch via blog. If you are interested in her travels, check out www.africacalledmyname.blogspot.com. You won't be disappointed, I'm sure.
Signing off with a proud and anxious heart,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ahhh .... Mexico ....
Sun on my skin.
Napping with the sand between my toes.
Reading three books.
Sleeping in.
Going to bed early.
Pure, pure loveliness.
And it is snowing here. Bummer.
We had a great time (it IS Mexico, after all) and I loved seeing the ruins in Chichen Itza. We swam in a cenote (sink hole), too. But truly, it was all about the beach.
Other news:
- my dear friend, Kyla, had twin babies on Sunday. Joey and Isobel. Auntie Karen is proud and relieved that they are here safe and sound.
- I missed Ruby like CRAZY! Luckily I was with another crazy dog person, so we could share our moments of puppy separation anxiety. Cindy recorded all events, both important and trivial and took tonnes of pictures. Love her.
- my forehead is peeling. Another bummer.
Back to work ... only 3 months until summer :)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Mexico Toes
Tulips and other Easter related thoughts
I started feeling ripped off that it would be incorporated into Spring Break this year about a good 16 months ago.
I love the 4 day weekend that appears out of nowhere.
I love that my sisters usually come up from Vancouver.
Let's face it, I love the turkey dinner.
When we were little, we would get up early on Easter Sunday and go a the sunrise service in an orchard overlooking a valley. The family who owns the orchard then opens their tiny house to the whole crowd and we have hot cross buns and hot chocolate and feel the excitement of spring and new beginnings together.
This Easter I'll be on a Mexican beach trying not to burn for my first day in the sun. Not a bad trade, perhaps, but I'll miss the regular stuff. I'm a regular stuff kind of gal. I like routines and traditions and, well, turkey dinner.
I'll have to sing a little "Morning Has Broken" to the Mexican sun. It might be a wee bit after sunrise, but I think the thought still counts.
Happy Easter to All. May the hope of new beginnings grace your day.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
One Year Ago Today ...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It appears that I don't feel the world is aware enough of my every move with my Facebook updates, so I am entering the world of the blog-o-sphere in order to keep y'all abreast of The World According to Karen.
I've been tagged by Heather. Here goes.
1. If your doctor told you today that you were pregnant, what would you say? Huh? Mary and I ... immaculate conception.
2. When was the last time you flew in a plane? October '07 ... next one on SATURDAY!
3. What did the last text message you sent say? From Mom and Dad ... something about eating breakfast on a patio in New Zealand.
4. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Smell, good (or reasonable) fashion, good hands (take that how you will).
5. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? Get back on a food plan
6. Shoe size? 8ish
7. Been to Mexico? Yes ... and going again on SATURDAY!!
8. When is the last time you had a massage? A couple weeks ago
9. What was the last TV show you watched? Weeds
10. What are your plans for the weekend? Going to Mexico on SATURDAY!
11. If your significant other asked you to marry them today what would you say? I'm sorry ... who are you??
12. What is in the back seat of your car right now? A Rubbermaid bin with some odds and ends that have been rolling around for awhile.
13. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Snuggling with Miss Ruby
14. If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? Matthew Fox - I heard he sleeps nude!
15. Have you ever been to a strip club? Yes (how embarassing)
16. What is the best ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia
17. What is the last sporting event you watched? Are you kidding me? This question was not meant for me.
18. Ever go camping? Love camping!
19. Last phone call? From M and D in NZ (they are not obsessed - the text was days ago.
20. Are you allergic to anything? Macadamia nuts, pollen and nickle.
21. What is one thing you have learned about life recently? All those people who I used to think were nuts when they went on and on about their dogs were SO RIGHT!
22. What do you do at work? Wrangle rug rats
23. What is your mom's name? Anne
24. Ever cried for no reason? All too often
25. Can you do the Crank Dat dance? I'd have to know what it was first
26. What is your favorite color to wear? Green
27. What is the longest plane ride you have ever been on? To the Dominican Republic
28. What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? Ontario to the Maritimes and back through the US
29. What are your turn-offs? Bad smells and bragging
30. What was your last alcoholic beverage? Can't even recall - don't drink (anymore)
31. What are you craving right now? Strawberry milkshake (thanks to Cindy).
It appears that I don't feel the world is aware enough of my every move with my Facebook updates, so I am entering the world of the blog-o-sphere in order to keep y'all abreast of The World According to Karen.
I've been tagged by Heather. Here goes.
1. If your doctor told you today that you were pregnant, what would you say? Huh? Mary and I ... immaculate conception.
2. When was the last time you flew in a plane? October '07 ... next one on SATURDAY!
3. What did the last text message you sent say? From Mom and Dad ... something about eating breakfast on a patio in New Zealand.
4. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Smell, good (or reasonable) fashion, good hands (take that how you will).
5. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? Get back on a food plan
6. Shoe size? 8ish
7. Been to Mexico? Yes ... and going again on SATURDAY!!
8. When is the last time you had a massage? A couple weeks ago
9. What was the last TV show you watched? Weeds
10. What are your plans for the weekend? Going to Mexico on SATURDAY!
11. If your significant other asked you to marry them today what would you say? I'm sorry ... who are you??
12. What is in the back seat of your car right now? A Rubbermaid bin with some odds and ends that have been rolling around for awhile.
13. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Snuggling with Miss Ruby
14. If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? Matthew Fox - I heard he sleeps nude!
15. Have you ever been to a strip club? Yes (how embarassing)
16. What is the best ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia
17. What is the last sporting event you watched? Are you kidding me? This question was not meant for me.
18. Ever go camping? Love camping!
19. Last phone call? From M and D in NZ (they are not obsessed - the text was days ago.
20. Are you allergic to anything? Macadamia nuts, pollen and nickle.
21. What is one thing you have learned about life recently? All those people who I used to think were nuts when they went on and on about their dogs were SO RIGHT!
22. What do you do at work? Wrangle rug rats
23. What is your mom's name? Anne
24. Ever cried for no reason? All too often
25. Can you do the Crank Dat dance? I'd have to know what it was first
26. What is your favorite color to wear? Green
27. What is the longest plane ride you have ever been on? To the Dominican Republic
28. What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? Ontario to the Maritimes and back through the US
29. What are your turn-offs? Bad smells and bragging
30. What was your last alcoholic beverage? Can't even recall - don't drink (anymore)
31. What are you craving right now? Strawberry milkshake (thanks to Cindy).
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